Saturday, August 29, 2009

Updatee (: Once again!

Hey everyone!
Like the new text color? Ehh its something diff (:
So yea this is just a quick update!
So have any of you heard of Katie and My webshow thingy?
Well if not its called LacyMallory.
Look us up and sub!
Well anyways, if you are subbed then this is for you. We want to apoligize for not making any new episodes in a while! Actually theres a new episode coming tomorrow! Eek! So happy! And we want to thank you guys so much for getting 70 subs! Thats incredible!
Ok so update number two, is my new session on youtube!!! Its a music video section! I'm so happy that I finally have the oppertunity to do this! I want to give my mom credit for buying the things I needed for this to be possible! Thats so nice of her and shes the best! So yea!
Well Yea thats really allll!


Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hey guys!!
Its been a while!
I totally forgot about my blog for a while! I came to check it, and I have 12 followers!!!
Thank you guys sooooooo much for that! Thats amazing! And i also want to encourage you guys to leave comments anytime! I love hearing from you guys!
So yea!
Tomorrow I have an appointment with the Dermatolagists (Idk if thats how you spell it) but oh well. So I have to miss the first four hours of school. But those hours are my least faves so what ever! haha! So yea this was just a quick update that you guys deserve! Oh and btw I have 796 subs on youtube! Thank you soooooo much thats amazing! go sub!! Thanks so much guys!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Schooooooooool and updattteee

Hey guys!!!
So I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on whats going on in like the next 2 weeks!
Well first I wanted to start out with the orthadonists! I go tomorrow! I won't get my braces tomorrow but soon. Tomorrow I think they're just gonna examine and stuff. But who knows ha. Wednesday I start school, pretty cool! Also tomorrow I have my orientation. And getting school supplies. So yup.... really small update!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Update (:

Hey Lovers!

Its Jess!

Sorry for the lack of blogging.

Very busy lately!

But I do want to blog about a couple things that have been happening or have happened!

Okay so first, I want to say thank you to AmandaBabyMeckk for taking the time to comment on my youtube page! I was so starstruckk! haha I love your videos! But none of this could have been possible with out my AMAZING bestie Jenna! (

Second is I pulled an ALLNIGHTER with Jenna and Aly! My two besties! I haven't slept a wink. Ha. I need to start getting into the routine of going to bed early and getting up earlier. Uggg school. Yuppp. Its thundering pretty loud outside right now (: How relaxing. In my PJs just watching tv and listening to thunder <3>

Bye Lovebugs!

Jessica <3

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Off to my grandmas!

Yup so I'm off to my Grandma's!
But that isn't a bad thing!
I'm coming back with my webcam and Micraphone so when I get back I will be doing a BlogTV immediatly! So yea its goin to be amazing! I'm might also have my camera but idk.

Well I g2g
Ily guys!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Set-up

So I was getting tired of my setup for my makeup. Only because my setup is growing and I have NO PLACE to put my new stuff cuz it was so crowded! So I took out the big bucket and now its on the floor. I love it way more!! It looks so nice and professional i guess ahah. So yea just wanted to update you guys on that!

ILY guys so much!
Jessica <3

What do you want to see on my channel??